Sunday, May 24, 2009

Little Bit O' This...Little Bit O' That

First of all...a HUGE thanks to all of our men and women (especially my brother-in-law Josh!) at home and abroad who are serving our country to protect the freedoms that we too often take for granted. With all of it's problems, and even as backwards as it has become...and EVEN with Obama in office...The United States of America is still the greatest country there is! And an even bigger thanks to all those who have made the greatest sacrifice, their lives. My thoughts and prayers are with the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, daughters & sons who have lost a loved one.

I am looking forward to spending the day with my family tomorrow, just a simple BBQ, and sharing some time together. I am thankful that I have a family that knows the value of family and makes time to spend with each other! Not to mention...some good ol food! :)

Things I learned this week...

When with their dad, one of the kids will always get hurt...

Allergies are the PITS, but sinus infections are even worse... (ok, so that one IS a no brainer and probably has occured to me before this week...but I feel like I need to reiterate it....!)

Babies may all say Da-Da first but no one is better than Ma-Ma... :)

There are no certainties in life, and we all have our battles and tribulations...regardless of how "good", attractive, wealthy, giving...etc. we are...God never promised a life without pain and trials...He only promised He would go through them with us!

Thanks for reading...and as always...many Hugs! :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I am a with it!

This one I am hoping will be short, direct and to the point...because lets face it, its almost midnight and I should be sleeping :)

I would imagine that you all know that my faith is not just a part of my life, but a part of who I am, and in part what makes me...ME! The rest obviously is my family, my surroundings, my culture, etc... is the question I want to ask. If it is not ok to attack a race, a gender, a nationality...WHY is it ok to attack someone solely based on the fact that they are Christian? And even more, charade it as "personal liberty or freedom of speech". Lets call it what it is, it is bias at best and racism at worst (using the word "race" loosely there). Have you ever noticed that the ones screaming about tolerance in America are the most intolerant of all things and people who oppose their beliefs and ideas?

And PLEASE do not tell me that a "Christian" mistreated, beat, degraded, controlled you...or whatever you want to throw in there. That is the most ridiculous excuse for bad behavior. We can't assume all Muslims are terrorists, we can't assume all Germans are Natzi's, we can't assume all Middle Easterners are brutal get the point. So, WHY if all of that makes sense to you does it not make sense to you that you cannot lump a group as a whole. I can tell you I am a Christian, but it doesn't make me one any more than I can tell you I am a famous runway model and it make me one...if I tell you I have an apple tree in my back yard and on it are oranges, will you say "Wow, that is one messed up Apple tree!" or will you say "Hey, your Apple tree, is no Apple tree"? Same with Christians...You will know a Christian if his "walk" and his "talk" are aligned!

I am not attacking anybodys personal religion, or relationship with Christ, or a lack thereof. But I am tired of the jabs and the nasty, snide comments made about mine, either directly or indirectly...

Practice what you preach, and be respectful and tolerant of those who do not agree with you.

And if I tell you I am praying for you and that offends you...I am sorry, you will have to remain offended. If I care for you and neglect to pray for your needs or burdens, then I am doing neither you or myself a favor. Being prayed for and praying for someone is in my heart a GREAT sign of love and compassion!

As with all my friends, old and new, and my family...I love all of you and I do pray for you!

Monday, May 18, 2009

A Slight Bit of Discontent...

Have you ever had so much to be thankful for that you just felt guilty for wanting more...or for being even a little discontent? Yeah, me too...that's the way i have been feeling lately, like maybe I'm not getting enough living out of life. There is so much I want to do, and so much to many places I want to go and to see.

For instance when we did our Red Day 2009 Campaign with Keller Williams I was forced to take a look at how much I'm NOT doing in my community. I was actually humbled and ecstatic to be doing something so simple as giving blood...for me that was no easy thing, since I have a major fear of it felt good, because for ME that WAS a sacrificial gift. I want to do more, I want to BE more. If any of you, my friends have ideas of ways we can get involved and really make a difference, let me know...I'm on board! One idea I have been throwing around is knitting...I know, get me a rocking chair, haha! But seriously, I don't want to knit my husband a sweater for Christmas or anything like that, but what about knitting nice warm scarves and hats for homeless shelters or churchs that have "clothing banks"? (Not to mention I have a thing for cute/funky/unique scarves, but that is beside the point, lol)

So my discontent isn't completely selfish...but part of it is! I watch, read and hear about all these fantastic adventures...places I have never been, experiences I have never had...and I don't wish that anyone else NOT get to experience them, I just want to as well...I guess that is part of human nature. When I am old, I probably won't know what kind of car I drove in 2009, or how many bedrooms I had in my house...but I would love to look back and see that my life was lived...

I think that is what we were meant to the life we have been given. I thank the Lord everyday for all he has blessed me with, I have an amazing husband, 3 beautiful and healthy children, a roof over my head and food on the table every day, several times as a matter of fact...If I never see Rome, if I never relax on a white sandy beach, I will still have what matters...My relationship with Christ, my family, my friends, and at least for health.

But Rome would be nice... ;)

Much love to all of you, thanks for taking the time to read...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Everything under the sun...

I have learned that...

After you stop mowing, your hands don't stop vibrating...

That Kansas rain and a busy husband make for a very interesting time mowing (i.e. 2 ft grass, ok not quite, but it felt like it)...

That humans definitely did NOT evolve from animals, eating grass (insert Kansas wind here) while mowing is not pleasant...

Now onto other topics...

I am having a bit of a hard time brother-in-law Josh leaves tonight (which is morning in Kuwait) on a mission, he could be gone as little as a week or as long as 2 weeks...that is not the problem, I am proud that he chooses time and again to serve and protect the country we all love, but I think that this Great Nation could at the very least make sure our soldiers are provided the very best equipment, vehicles, armor, weapons, do their job! Josh will be leaving on a mission with a faulty 2-way radio...if for some reason his unit gets into trouble he may or may not have a way to call for help, back up or rescue, whatever the case may be. I hope and pray that he doesn't need to, but you would think THAT would be a priority! I doubt very seriously that our President, what a joke, Obama is enjoying anything less than luxury..ALL the time. I would imagine that a a new radio for Josh's unit would be a drop in the bucket compared to the salary and perks that Obama enjoys. Please pray for Josh and all the young men who are leaving in a few short hours...pray for their safety, and that they are successful in whatever mission they have to do.

We are missing Aisha's graduation and reception today :( Gabe has a "croupy" cough, a runny nose and pukes when he gets to coughing (that is a joy!) and as if that is not enough the poor little guy has 4 teeth breaking through...Aisha I wish you nothing but the best, what an exciting new chapter you are about to begin! Congratulations and Best Wishes!

On a lighter note, more random insights...

You should not exfoliate your face directly after 2 hours of sun...

A "cooling" shower is best done gradually...I actually did this one RIGHT today :)
After showering with warm water, I gradually cooled the water and allowed my body to adjust to the cooler temp and then gradually got cooler until I felt "cooled off" and invigorated...

Thats it for now...but I am quite sure there will be more oddity's to come...

Have a great Sunday family and friends!

New Blog Spot...

Some of you may know, and some of you may not...I used to write ALL the time, I blogged once a day, sometimes several times, depending on what was going on in my life and what was going on around me. I have decided to pick it back up, it is for me a good writings were very vast in range and emotion, some were sad, happy, lonely, wishful, reflective, silly, name it, I probably had a blog to fit that mood...So, with that said, I hope you will take the time to follow my "Thoughts, Happenings and Random Ramblings"...

Much love and Hugs to all!