Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I am a with it!

This one I am hoping will be short, direct and to the point...because lets face it, its almost midnight and I should be sleeping :)

I would imagine that you all know that my faith is not just a part of my life, but a part of who I am, and in part what makes me...ME! The rest obviously is my family, my surroundings, my culture, etc... is the question I want to ask. If it is not ok to attack a race, a gender, a nationality...WHY is it ok to attack someone solely based on the fact that they are Christian? And even more, charade it as "personal liberty or freedom of speech". Lets call it what it is, it is bias at best and racism at worst (using the word "race" loosely there). Have you ever noticed that the ones screaming about tolerance in America are the most intolerant of all things and people who oppose their beliefs and ideas?

And PLEASE do not tell me that a "Christian" mistreated, beat, degraded, controlled you...or whatever you want to throw in there. That is the most ridiculous excuse for bad behavior. We can't assume all Muslims are terrorists, we can't assume all Germans are Natzi's, we can't assume all Middle Easterners are brutal get the point. So, WHY if all of that makes sense to you does it not make sense to you that you cannot lump a group as a whole. I can tell you I am a Christian, but it doesn't make me one any more than I can tell you I am a famous runway model and it make me one...if I tell you I have an apple tree in my back yard and on it are oranges, will you say "Wow, that is one messed up Apple tree!" or will you say "Hey, your Apple tree, is no Apple tree"? Same with Christians...You will know a Christian if his "walk" and his "talk" are aligned!

I am not attacking anybodys personal religion, or relationship with Christ, or a lack thereof. But I am tired of the jabs and the nasty, snide comments made about mine, either directly or indirectly...

Practice what you preach, and be respectful and tolerant of those who do not agree with you.

And if I tell you I am praying for you and that offends you...I am sorry, you will have to remain offended. If I care for you and neglect to pray for your needs or burdens, then I am doing neither you or myself a favor. Being prayed for and praying for someone is in my heart a GREAT sign of love and compassion!

As with all my friends, old and new, and my family...I love all of you and I do pray for you!

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